Right Efforts leading to Good Fortune
Samani Chaitanya Prajna
The word ‘Fortune’ indicates Luck, Prosperity,Wealth, Chance, and Future. The life of present Sadhvi-pramukha, the Head of hundreds of nuns of Terapanth tradition, is the living example of the good fortune. The secret of her good fortune is her dedication and devotion to her own spiritual goal of life and to the administrative responsibility given to hertime to time by the learned Acharyas of Terapanth.
Samana-shreni, the new ascetic tradition, is established first time in the history of Jainism with the dedication of six Mumukshu sisters among them one was present Sadhvi-pramukhaji. Not only she has shown her full dedication to this extra-ordinary and epoch-making vision of Acharya Tulsi and Mahapragya to follow unknown and untrodden path but also proven herself as the best Samani of her time.
She is very disciplined and having good control on herself. Due to her self-control, she has proven herself a good administrator. As the sage Chankya has rightly said that one can be a good king if one has self-control. She has influenced all the younger Samanijis by leaving a rigorous spiritual life. They got inspirations and directions at every step from her to proceed on the path of spirituality. They have learnt how their life should be according to their spiritual goal. It is really a great success of a person when other get influenced and inspired just by looking at one’s life.
As a first Niyojika, Administrator of Samanijis, she has given directions to Samani-order in such a way that it has not only created a new momentum in Terapanth tradition but also created a great momentum in entire Jain community in India and abroad. They have appreciated the self-restraint, higher knowledge and effective expression of Samanijis and invited them to create centers in abroad to disseminate Jain teachings on the foreign lands. With the blessings of all the Acharyas of TerapanthSamanijis worked hard on forighn lands and in result, the Orlando, Huston, New Jersey, London and Miami centers came into existence. Hundreds of families of all Jain traditions of various countries are getting knowledge from Samanijis by visiting regularly to these centers.
By opening a new door of higher studies and research in the field of Jainism in western universities like Florida International University, Miami, USA and North Texas University, Dallas, USA Samanijis have shown a new light to disseminate Jain teachings all over the world. By their visit and initiative Jainism has come out of Indian boundaries and reaching to those also who are not Jains or Indians. This new initiative has created so much influence that by following the FIU model of Jain Studies and Research people of Jain community of USA have opened 40 Chairs of Jain Studies in various western universities and contributed a lot to bring up on the map of wester academia.
Looking at the extra-ordinary work done by Samanijis in the field of Jain religion now Acharyas of other Jain traditions have also started following this new model of Jain asceticism in their own traditions.
I am lucky enough to get opportunity to start my Samani life under the guidance of the present Sadhvi-pramukha Shree Vishrutvibhaji and lived with her for years. I was very much influenced by her self-discipline and time-management. She is unique in time-management too. She is no doubt managing time for her personal and administrative work but also managing time of her spiritual journey. She is very alert in fixing in how many years she has to reach which level of spiritual development.
In concluding remarks, her constant inner awareness to her own spiritual goal of life and great devotion to assigned work have played great role in creating a good fortunate to her. Her faithful dedication to visionary Acharya Tulsi, Acharya Mahapragya and Acharya Mahashraman has always given her good opportunities to work on some or other higher positions in the administration of Terapanth order. She has ever been lucky and progressive in her spiritual life. I wish all the great success in her new responsibility as a Sadhvi-pramukha. No doubt her long experience and Sadhana would make her unique in this new field too.