‘Mind Over Matter’ - Samani Pavan Pragya ji

‘Mind Over Matter’ - Samani Pavan Pragya ji

Samani Rohini Pragya

Samani Pavan Pragya ji after being Sadhvi Pavan Pragya ji and by observing her most cherished wish of fasting unto death finally travelled to her heavenly abode. She was an integral part of Saman order since last 27 years. She was a good singer, counselor in religious sense and a devotee disciple of H.H Acharya’s of Jain ShevatamberTerapanth order.
Last four years have been very challenging time in her life from the health point of view. Her decision to overcome matter (body) by mind was extraordinary. No matter what, she did her daily chant practices, sound practices, mindful practices, and many others without the burden of sickness.
In these years she was in great rhythm, peace, balance, and awareness. Moments spent with her were spiritually empowering and enlightening. Her younger sister Samani Akshay Pragya ji and niece Samani Pranav Pragya ji were untiringly present in her service and support. Their presence made Samani Pavan Pragya ji’s journey smooth. However, Samani Pavan Pragya ji by herself was strong and courageous in her every decision. She has set an example of peaceful living and dying. We members of Saman order will miss her and will try to follow the lesson she has taught us by her life and legacy. May the soul rest in peace.
Life full of awakening,
Breath retheme calming,
Forgiveness seeking
Departure inspiring